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It is a supreme knowledge-exchange platform which brings all General Counsels, Chief Legal Officers, Chief Counsels, Director-Legal, President-Legal and Regulatory, VP -Legal, Head of Legal and Compliance, etc., together to disperse information, share ideas and insights on India’s legal framework and bring to the table the legal complications & risks that are arising in today’s businesses due to the new age technology and volatile economic and geopolitical environment in the country for future business.

The "2nd Edition Future of Legal Summit 2019" showcases how technology, innovation, globalization and complex regulations has brought new opportunities and transformed the legal department of corporates.

Featured Speakers

Key themes to be addressed, but not limited to:

How to effectively manage legal compliance and ensure safe and secure operation of business.

To understand litigation processes and policies to minimize risk.

How the upcoming trends in technology and innovation will shape and enhance the future of legal

The evolving role of General Counsel

How the legal department's strategic plans are the governing framework to guide organizational decision-making.

Who Should Attend 2nd Edition Future of Legal Summit 2019 ?

Head, VP, Director Legal

Head, VP, Director Compliance

Head, VP, Director Regulator

Head, VP, Director Corporate Counsil

General Counsel

Compliance Officer

Compliance Officer
